Saturday, June 28, 2014

Mirror, Mirror on the Wall

Good morning all,
I have made several of these in the past and was reminded of the my sunburst mirror a while back. They always sell fast and as long as they keep selling, I'll keep making 'em! $30 and only available at Arnst Zipper Studio. Happy, happy week!!!

Saturday, June 21, 2014

Saturday, June 14, 2014

Air Plants

Good morning all,
We have a variety of what are commonly called air plants in the store in a variety of hand made containers. They are very easy to care for but do not live on air alone. They require just a spritzing about every other day.
Don't forget our event today, featuring the Greenpurse Wedding Purse! 10-2. Fun and refreshments as always, are FREE! Happy, happy week!

Saturday, June 7, 2014

Minions are back

Good morning all,
The minions are back but this time on T-shirts! We will again carry hats and mittens in the fall and stuffed minions soon. Pick up your shirt today! Happy, happy week.

Thursday, June 5, 2014

Face Lift

Good morning all, 
Something very exciting (at least to us) is happening this morning and the first person to tweet, email or face book will receive a $25 gift certificate good for any repair or purchase at Arnst Zipper Studio! can't wait, happy, happy day!!!